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Oh, Tamara, we are totally building the simple bed-- well, two of them, for my daughters. By we, I mean DH. He's really good with a saw and hammer. If that goes well, we'll do the Farmhouse Bed for my 16 year old. I am right with you-- I have SO many ideas now!

Good luck with the building!!


Thanks! Have fun with your building too!
I am nervous.. I have never built anything.. ever.. Ok.. I can build with Legos! LOL! We're going to go buy our wood soon.. yay!

Izzie's Mama

Good luck! I can't wait to see how it turns out! I love that site... I have quite a list of things for dh to build!

Heather Ferguson

Tamara, you are certifiably crazy. But I also get ideas in my head that I can't let go of, so I totally get it. I'm just not brave enough to tackle furniture construction! You'll have to post photos of your progress along the way. Good luck!


Oh my gosh! I found your blog on GF and have read the old one but never commented. I HAD to comment on this. Not only are you not crazy (well, maybe a little but then so am I;)) I think you just might be a genius! That blog is brilliant! I haven't done anything with tools since mandatory shop class in high school and I have a list a mile long of projects I want to do from that site. This is going to be bad! Can't wait to see what you do:)


I have so many projects I want to do that I might need to get plans to build a HOUSE to put all this stuff in! LOL!


I like the farmhouse bed better. The one with the open slats, small toys & stuff can fall through to the back of the bed or little boys hands & feet might get stuck. :) You just never know with boys you know :)

I love that blog, I checked it out the other day and bookmarked it. But, thankfully my husband is handy with wood because I won't even try it, it's too scary.


Amanda, that is the one we decided to go with.. for that same reason! :)

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  • People always ask me, "Is there anything you don't do?" and I like to reply with, "Well.. I don't eat peas"... joking of course. There is PLEANTY of things I can't do... and I may not do everything perfect.. but I do enjoy sharing and that is what this blog is for.. for me to share the things I do. I may not always explain things all that well.. and I am the typo queen. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you check back in often! -Tamara

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